In this Python tutorial, I will be showing you how to perform a Word Document Mail Merge using Python.
This is one of the most requested topic I got, and I thought I finally have the time to record the tutorial. Couple of things to consider when using Python instead of VBA to perform Word Document Mail Merge.
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Source Code:
import os
import win32com.client as win32 # pip install pywin32
working_directory = os.getcwd()
source_name = 'Data Source.xlsx'
destination_folder = os.path.join(working_directory, 'Destination')
Create a Word application instance
wordApp = win32.Dispatch('Word.Application')
wordApp.Visible = True
Open Word Template + Open Data Source
sourceDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(os.path.join(working_directory, 'Word Template.docx'))
mail_merge = sourceDoc.MailMerge
Name:=os.path.join(working_directory, source_name),
sqlstatement:="SELECT * FROM [Data Source$]"
record_count = mail_merge.DataSource.RecordCount
Perform Mail Merge
for i in range(1, record_count + 1):
mail_merge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = i
mail_merge.DataSource.FirstRecord = i
mail_merge.DataSource.LastRecord = i
mail_merge.Destination = 0
# get record value
base_name = mail_merge.DataSource.DataFields('Name of Recipient'.replace(' ', '_')).Value
targetDoc = wordApp.ActiveDocument
Save Files in Word Doc and PDF
targetDoc.SaveAs2(os.path.join(destination_folder, base_name + '.docx'), 16)
targetDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat(os.path.join(destination_folder, base_name), exportformat:=17)
Close target file
targetDoc = None
sourceDoc.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = -1