Learn how to use the React Icons library to display icons in your project with some help from React Hooks and React’s Context API.

In this article, you will learn how to use the React Icons library to display icons in your React project.


One of the best ways to enhance your React project’s user experience is to use bright and colorful icons. Not only do they make your app look better, but they also give your website a more modern and sleek feel.

Icons even allow designers to save screen space. Moreover, icons are universal and their usage is familiar to both developers and users.

For example, what do you think looks better? This text:

All Text with No Icons

Or these icons:

Text Including React Icons

To render icons in React, the most commonly used library is React Icons. It is an easy-to-use library for rendering icons in your application.

#react #javascript #web-development

How to use the React Icons Library to Display Icons in React Project
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