Learn how to use JavaScript proxies to implement metaprogramming in your code. Metaprogramming is the ability to write code that can generate or modify other code. JavaScript proxies can be used to intercept and modify property accesses and method calls, which can be used to implement custom getters and setters, intercept events, and even change the behavior of functions.
Before we go any further, let us understand, What is Metaprogramming?
Metaprogramming is nothing less than a Magic! Truly, how about writing a program to Read, Modify, Analyze and even to Generate a Program? Doesn't it sound Wizardry and Powerful?
Wikipedia defines Metaprogramming as,
Metaprogramming is a programming technique in which computer programs have the ability to treat other programs as their data.
So basically, it is the Program that deals with the Meta Data of another program and able to do lot of useful things.
Proxy wraps objects and intercepts their behavior through traps
Among several ways we can do Metaprogramming in JavaScript, usage of Proxyobject is one of the important one. Proxy object is an ES6 concept used to define custom behavior for fundamental operations (e.g. property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function invocation, etc).
Here are few useful terms you need to remember and use:
It is perfectly fine, if you haven't got much from the description above. We will understand it very easily through code and examples.
Here is the syntax for creating a Proxy Object:
let p = new Proxy(target, handler);
Now let us take an example of an employee
object and try to print some of the properties of it:
const employee = {
firstName: 'Tapas',
lastName: 'Adhikary'
Well, we know the expected output would be,
Now let us use the Proxy
object to alter this program of employee
handling and provide some behavior to it:
that uses a Trap
We will be using a trap called get
which is a trap for getting a property value. Here is our Handler:
let handler = {
get: function(target, fieldName) {
if(fieldName === 'fullName' ) {
return `${target.firstName} ${target.lastName}`;
return fieldName in target ?
target[fieldName] :
`No such property as, '${fieldName}'!`
The above handler
helps to create the value for fullName property. It also adds a better error message in case, we are dealing with a missing property.
ObjectAs we have the target as employee
object and the handler, we will be able to create a Proxy
object as:
let p = new Proxy(employee, handler);
You should be seeing the output as,
No such property as, 'org'!
Tapas Adhikary
Notice how we have magically changed things for the employee
In Previous example, we used a trap
called get. Here are the list of available traps:
More on these can be found here, Proxy - JavaScript | MDN
Let's create a handler(we can name it as, validator):
const validator = {
set: function(obj, prop, value) {
if (prop === 'age') {
if(!Number.isInteger(value)) {
throw new TypeError('Age is always an Integer, Please Correct it!');
if(value < 0) {
throw new TypeError('This is insane, a negative age?');
Again, we can create a Proxy
object as:
let p = new Proxy(employee, validator);
If you do,
p.age = 'I am testing the blunder';
The output would be a TypeError
TypeError: Age is always an Integer, Please Correct it!
at Object.set (E:\Projects\KOSS\metaprogramming\js-mtprog\proxy\userSetProxy.js:28:23)
at Object.<anonymous> (E:\Projects\KOSS\metaprogramming\js-mtprog\proxy\userSetProxy.js:40:7)
at Module._compile (module.js:652:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:663:10)
at Module.load (module.js:565:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:505:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:497:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:693:10)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:188:16)
at bootstrap_node.js:609:3
Similarly, try doing this!
p.age = -1;
Proxy Object
is a very powerful concept. There are several use-cases where this concept can be used. Here are few:
operator behavior... and many many more.
Hope you liked the concept of Proxy Object
. Try it out, it is Fun! Feel free to access the examples from My Github Repo.
'Proxy' is not the only concept for JavaScript based Metaprogramming, there are are others like, Reflect. That is coming soon.