Right now 99Acres website and mobile app is India’s number one property platform where buyers, sellers, and brokers/agents can exchange information about real estate properties quickly, effectively, and affordably. At, you can advertise a property, browse through properties, search for a property, create your own property microsite and keep yourself updated with the latest news, trends, and knowledge related to the realty sector. Therefore, 99Acres presented itself as a good example for the real estate businesses worldwide.

Buying a property vs renting can be a matter of debate but the result largely depends on your income and conditions. If you are looking for a suitable rental property or shared accommodation or if you want to buy a property of your choice, then 99Acres mobile app can help you a lot in finding the right property.

99Acres app offers the same user experience as the website. This app is free for Android and iOS users and allows you to browse properties for rent, along with high-quality pictures, videos, and maps. No doubt it is one of the best real estate app available having numerous options with a listing of around 10 lakh properties. It also offers instant contact between the landowners and interested parties through phone calls, emails, or texts. These are some of the reasons why Mobile App Development Companies in Dubai are getting many projects to develop apps like 99Acres.

How To Go For 99acres Like Mobile App Development?

A good App Developer in Dubai knows very well how to proceed with the app development. To develop an app similar to 99Acres, we require two panels i.e. user panel and admin panel. Admin panel enables you to track and manage all inquiries and information about the visitors and the users of the app whereas the user panel will allow users to view the interface and enquire about their requirements.

Admin panel also allows the owner of the app to maintain the entire app like content, images, pages, update, edit, and delete anything. All of the features can be customized and modified as per the app owners’ requirements. Whether you go for Android development or iOS App Development in Dubai, the below are the basic features that should be present in your real estate app.

Administration (Back End) Features

  • Property Management System
  • Properties by Categories
  • Sales and Order Management System
  • Seller and Customer Management System
  • Property Listing, Property Gallery & Search Statics Systems
  • Dynamic Property & Project Updates from Admin & Sellers Panel
  • Dynamic Content Management System
  • Page Edit, Insert, Delete
  • Google Optimizer
  • Property Listing Overview
  • Best Selling Properties
  • Most Searched Properties
  • Trending Properties
  • Latest & Upcoming Properties & Projects
  • Store Design of choice
  • Tool for Changing theme
  • Logo Settings
  • Change Site Header
  • E-mail Templates
  • Latest News Items for Visitors
  • User Side Feature (Consumer Facing)
  • Unlimited page (100% Dynamic)
  • Currency changing option
  • Search by property & project type
  • Search by location, price, area
  • More Search by property Item category
  • Registration of Customers and their Login & Forget Password
  • Statistics for Search history
  • Customer Search history
  • Sellers Listing History
  • Popup Optimizer
  • Premium graphics Design
  • Blog Factors
  • SEO effective program
  • Dynamic Banner
  • Latest and Average Customer ratings for Properties & Project
  • Most Popular Listings
  • Links to Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn pages
  • Benefits to Customers or Users
  • All property orders are stored in the database
  • Customers can search & browse their property history
  • Ability to save the customer’s history
  • Newsletter management for multiple lists,
  • Customers can also Clear their history

User / Viewer Features

  • Viewing
  • Browsing
  • Simple SEO Features
  • Requirement posting management.
  • General Enquiry.

Main Features

  • Login Profile of Buyers & Sellers.
  • Property Listing By Category & By Cost Price
  • Commercial, Non-Commercial Property Segment
  • Search Field for Quick Search.
  • Property Locality Search
  • Property Display with Details
  • Dynamic Property & Project Updates from Admin & Sellers Panel
  • Reviewing Properties.
  • Comparing Properties
  • Latest & Premium Property Listing
  • Property Recommendations
  • Add to Interest Section
  • Booking an Appointment for call or meetup
  • Back End

Different Login Types for Super Admin, Admin, and Operators.
Report Views & Generation.
Other Required Controls.

Advanced Features Of 99acres Like Mobile App

  • Geolocation tracking
  • Enhanced customer engagement
  • Direct marketing
  • Co-ordination between developers and agents
  • Promotional features

Final Cost Of Development Of 99acres Like Real Estate Mobile App

Other than 99Acres, there are many other real estate apps operating in the market. Although the basic features and functionalities of all of these apps are the same still 99Acres is at the top as it provides some advanced features as discussed above. Hence, if you want to build an app like 99Acres and make it stand out in the market amidst the crowd then you should be ready to provide the most advanced features in your app.

But you may be wondering how much will be the cost of developing a real estate app like 99Acres. We assume you are looking for both iPhone app development as well as Android App Development in Dubai as you want to build and launch your app for both the platforms.

The final cost of creating a real estate app like 99Acres will vary with the features you want to use. Assuming the average cost of hiring an expert mobile app developer to be at $50 per hour, the average range for developing a complete mobile application will be between $10,000 – $15,000 for developing an app for each of the platforms. This cost can even go up to $25,000 depending upon the customization you need, advanced features you want to add, etc.

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How much does it cost to develop an on-demand app like 99acres?
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