Dart Singleton Pattern

In this tutorial we will learn what singleton is, when to use singleton pattern and how to implement singleton in Dart.


Singleton is a design pattern and is one of the simplest ones. It is useful in the cases when we want only a single instance of any object in our application. In this tutorial we will learn about the singleton pattern in Dart and how we can create a singletons in Dart. So let’s get started

What is singleton?

  • One of the simplest design pattern
  • There can only be one instance of the Class
  • Class itself is responsible to keep track of its sole instance
  • The instance is globally accessible through static method
  • Constructor is private so it cannot be instantiated

When to use singleton?

  • Mostly useful when multiple instantiation is costly in terms of configurations required
  • Also useful when we want to access same object over and over across our app

Some considerations

  • Lazy construction
  • Singleton class shouldn’t require any params
  • Should be thread safe Dart is a single threaded language

Creating singleton class in dart

Create a class and then follow the steps to make it a singleton pattern.

1. Make constructor private

Singleton._internal() {}

2. Create instance variable

Create a private static instance variable, that keeps track of the sole instance.

static Singleton _instance;

3. Static getter

Finally, create a static getter method, that allows access of the instance globally. It is responsible to create the new instance if it’s not previously created.

static Singleton get instance {
 if(_instance == null) {
 _instance = Singleton._internal();
 return _instance;

Final Code

class Singleton {
 String name;
 static Singleton _instance;

 Singleton._internal() {

 name="Singleton pattern";

 static Singleton get instance {
 if(_instance == null) {
 _instance = Singleton._internal();
 return _instance;

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Dart Singleton Pattern
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