ToDo, Trello and Google Calendar Integration Made with ReactJS




  • Search bar.
  • Bookmarks.
  • To Do list.
  • Google Calendar Integration.
  • Weather.
  • Trello Integration.
  • Day and Night wallpaper.

How to use

You can run it locally or use the one hosted at GitHub Pages.

Recommended wallpapers

By default homepage has 2 wallpapers, the day wallpaper that is used from 6 am until 6 pm and a night wallpaper that used from 6 pm until 6 am. You can customize and set your own background to it. You can find dynamic wallpapers at

Here are some good looking ones:

How to run it locally

First, make sure you have NodeJS and Yarn installed, then clone the repository.

To install all the dependencies, in the repository folder run:

yarn install

After that, start the application with hot reload with:

yarn start

To get a better performance, create a production build with

yarn build

(the folder build/ will be created, just add it to a web server).

Configure Google Calendar Integration

To use the Google Calendar integration locally you need to configure the credentials.

To do so, create a new project and enable the Calendar API in the Google Developers Console and get an API KEY and the CLIENT ID (like this).

With the CLIENT ID and the API KEY, create a file src/config/gapi.json with the following content:

{"apiKey": "YOUR API KEY", "clientId": "YOUR CLIENT ID"}


See the CHANGELOG file

Download Details:

Author: Pauloo27


Source Code:

#react #reactjs #javascript

ToDo, Trello and Google Calendar Integration Made with ReactJS
28.85 GEEK