Let’s dive into these “minor” still important improvements coming to the language in November this year

Alright, so  my last article about PHP 8.1 coming features was pretty well received, and I thought it was worth to go for a second round to talk about all these interesting changes, improvements and features coming to us. Let’s dive into it!

Pure intersection types has been accepted and is being implemented


interface A {}
interface B {}

class C implements A, B {}
class D implements A {}

class Test
    public A&B $property;

$test = new Test();

$test->property = new C(); // Works well!
$test->property = new D(); // Forbidden, D doesn't implement A and B

_RFC: _https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pure-intersection-types

fsync and fdatasync

Well, think of fsync and fdatasync as the “Eject” operation of an USB stick. These methods ensure data of your file are physically written on the storage. The difference with fflush is this last only tells PHP to flush your data to the OS internal buffer. It doesn’t tell the OS to physically write your data to the given storage. If fsync and fdatasync are successful, you know your data are fully persisted, even if a power outage happens just after. Here is the difference between these two functions:

  • fsync will persist data and metadata of your file. Metadata includes date of creation and update, filename, author’s name and so on ;
  • fdatasync will only persist data, without metadata, which can result in a slightly faster operation.

#programming #releases #php

PHP 8.1 Is Coming — 2nd Round Of Upcoming Features
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