In this episode of Flutter in Focus, Emily Fortuna shows how to use TweenAnimationBuilder in Flutter to build a basic animation for your app. Stick around for an overview and several use cases for the widget!

TweenAnimationBuilder<T> class

Widget builder that animates a property of a Widget to a target value whenever the target value changes.

The type of the animated property (Color, Rect, double, etc.) is defined via the type of the provided tween (e.g. ColorTween, RectTween, Tween<double>, etc.).

The tween also defines the target value for the animation: When the widget first builds, it animates from Tween.begin to Tween.end. A new animation can be triggered anytime by providing a new tween with a new Tween.end value. The new animation runs from the current animation value (which may be Tween.end of the old tween, if that animation completed) to Tween.end of the new tween.

The animation is further customized by providing a curve and duration.

The current value of the animation along with the child is passed to the builder callback, which is expected to build a Widget based on the current animation value. The builder is called throughout the animation for every animation value until Tween.end is reached.

A provided onEnd callback is called whenever an animation completes. Registering an onEnd callback my be useful to trigger an action (like another animation) at the end of the current animation.

Performance optimizations
If your builder function contains a subtree that does not depend on the animation, it’s more efficient to build that subtree once instead of rebuilding it on every animation tick.

If you pass the pre-built subtree as the child parameter, the AnimatedBuilder will pass it back to your builder function so that you can incorporate it into your build.

Using this pre-built child is entirely optional, but can improve performance significantly in some cases and is therefore a good practice.

Ownership of the Tween
The TweenAnimationBuilder takes full ownership of the provided tween instance and it will mutate it. Once a Tween has been passed to a TweenAnimationBuilder, its properties should not be accessed or changed anymore to avoid interference with the TweenAnimationBuilder.

It is good practice to never store a Tween provided to a TweenAnimationBuilder in an instance variable to avoid accidental modifications of the Tween.

Example Code
This example shows an IconButton that “zooms” in when the widget first builds (its size smoothly increases from 0 to 24) and whenever the button is pressed, it smoothly changes its size to the new target value of either 48 or 24.

double targetValue = 24.0;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return TweenAnimationBuilder(
    tween: Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: targetValue),
    duration: Duration(seconds: 1),
    builder: (BuildContext context, double size, Widget child) {
      return IconButton(
        iconSize: size,
        icon: child,
        onPressed: () {
          setState(() {
            targetValue = targetValue == 24.0 ? 48.0 : 24.0;
    child: Icon(Icons.aspect_ratio),


Creating a Custom Implicit Animations with TweenAnimationBuilder
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