In this Flutter UI challenge, you will learn how to recreate a School Management app UI with Flutter.

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1: School Management Flutter UI - Speed Coding - Part 1

In part one we are creating the home page then in part two will create the calendar screen UI.

2: School Management Flutter UI - Speed Coding - Part 2

In this Flutter UI challenge, you will learn how to recreate a School Management app UI with Flutter and how to navigate the different pages of an app using the bottom navigation bar. In part one we created the home page. Now in part two, we are explaining the navigation between the screens and creating the calendar screen UI.

► Timestamps
0:00 What we are going to build
0:34 Part 1 refactoring and Part 2 preparation
1:44 Must Watch - Implementation of the Navigation between the pages using the items in the bottom navigation bar
4:20 Calendar Page Header
5:56 Calendar Day Chooser widget
9:06 Course Time and duration Row
10:47 Listview of Courses (course titles, Professor…)
14:37 App Demo

#flutter #mobile-apps

School Management Flutter UI - Speed Coding
11.10 GEEK