A new website has launched which uses algorithms to judge your face. It uses similar software to that used by major companies not only for advertising, but for collecting your data in ways you had no idea about for all sorts of uses. And, as the website says – unlike cookies, you can’t delete your face.
The first trait the algorithm judges is your attractiveness. The website claims that apps like Tinder use similar software to show potential matches of equal attractiveness to each other, and that companies like TicToc are known to weight promoting content in favour of attractive people.You’re judged on a score between 1 and 10. My top score was 7.8, if you’re wondering. Maybe I’m quite pretty after all.The next algorithm guesses age – the site claiming that stores use it to work out the ages of their customers and that dating apps use it to check who may be lying about their age.Body Mass Index, life expectancy, face recognition and emotional responses are also measured by the algorithms.
#racism #data-science #artificial-intelligence #self #facial-recognition