Top 5 Flutter Slide Widgets Package

1. Simple Slider

A flutter library to show images in a sliding widget, the library also provides out of the box the ability to automatically cache the images used in the slider.

"Simple Slider"

2. Slide Button

A sliding Flutter widget, based on the slide to unlock function from multiple devices. Heavily customizable and flexible.A swipe to confirm button for flutter

"Slide Button"

3.Reflecty Slideshow

A Reflectly inspired slideshow create using Flutter. Reflectly like slideshow made with Flutter and Firebase

"Reflecty Slideshow"

4.Flutter Slide Puzzle

A slide (15) puzzle implemented in Dart and Flutter.

"Flutter Slide Puzzle"

5.Flutter Slidable

A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions that can be dismissed.


  • Accepts primary (left/top) and secondary (right/bottom) widget lists as slide actions.
  • Can be dismissed.
  • 4 built-in action panes.
  • 2 built-in slide action widgets.
  • 1 built-in dismiss animation.
  • You can easily create custom layouts and animations.
  • You can use a builder to create your slide actions if you want special effects during animation.
  • Closes when a slide action has been tapped (overridable).
  • Closes when the nearest Scrollable starts to scroll (overridable).
  • Option to disable the slide effect easily.

"Flutter Slidable"

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Top 5 Flutter Slide Widgets Package
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