In this post, we’re going to add [rx-query](
to the Angular Tour of Heroes while pointing out the benefits of rx-query
. Before we start, I just want to mention that rx-query
is inspired by react-query and SWR.
provides an easy way to fetch data over HTTP. This is already the case withing Angular applications, so why should you care? Because adding rx-query
is no extra work, and you get some useful features for free.
Making an HTTP request with rx-query
is almost as simple as a normal request, just wrap the request with the query
method and give it the query a key. The key is to distinguish multiple queries, it will become clear why this is important in the next sections.
import { query } from 'rx-query'
export class HeroesComponent {
heroes$ = query('heroes-list', () => this.heroService.getHeroes())
constructor(private heroService: HeroService) {}
Just like a normal request, the query
method returns an Observable (Observable<QueryOutput<T>>
). This Observable emits a value for each stage of the request (success
, error
, loading
, refreshing
). This is exposed with the status
property on the output, and by using the status in combination with the [ngSwitch](
directive it’s easy to show a different view for each stage of the request.
While it’s not required to create a view for the different stages, it requires the attention of the developer to think about the un-happy paths. Leading to a better user experience.
<ng-container *ngIf="heroes$ | async as query">
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="query.status">
<ul class="heroes" *ngSwitchDefault>
<li *ngFor="let hero of">
<a routerLink="/detail/{{ }}">
{{ }} {{ }}
<div *ngSwitchCase="'loading'">Loading ...</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'error'">Error ({{query.error}})</div>
Resulting in the following:
A loading indicator is visible while the request is pending, when the request returns a response the heroes are shown.In this post, we’re going to add [rx-query](
to the Angular Tour of Heroes while pointing out the benefits of rx-query
. Before we start, I just want to mention that rx-query
is inspired by react-query and SWR.
provides an easy way to fetch data over HTTP. This is already the case withing Angular applications, so why should you care? Because adding rx-query
is no extra work, and you get some useful features for free.
Making an HTTP request with rx-query
is almost as simple as a normal request, just wrap the request with the query
method and give it the query a key. The key is to distinguish multiple queries, it will become clear why this is important in the next sections.
import { query } from 'rx-query'
export class HeroesComponent {
heroes$ = query('heroes-list', () => this.heroService.getHeroes())
constructor(private heroService: HeroService) {}
Just like a normal request, the query
method returns an Observable (Observable<QueryOutput<T>>
). This Observable emits a value for each stage of the request (success
, error
, loading
, refreshing
). This is exposed with the status
property on the output, and by using the status in combination with the [ngSwitch](
directive it’s easy to show a different view for each stage of the request.
While it’s not required to create a view for the different stages, it requires the attention of the developer to think about the un-happy paths. Leading to a better user experience.
<ng-container *ngIf="heroes$ | async as query">
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="query.status">
<ul class="heroes" *ngSwitchDefault>
<li *ngFor="let hero of">
<a routerLink="/detail/{{ }}">
{{ }} {{ }}
<div *ngSwitchCase="'loading'">Loading ...</div>
<div *ngSwitchCase="'error'">Error ({{query.error}})</div>
Resulting in the following:
A loading indicator is visible while the request is pending, when the request returns a response the heroes are shown.
#angular #rxjs