A Dependency-free JavaScript Notification Library


The main goal of this library is to provide developers with a good looking notification system with a single “.js” file. All the styling and such would be included in that file.

The minified version is only 4.69 KBs, whereas the normal one is 6.88 KBs.


You can test this out here:



Put “x-notify.js” in a directory such as “assets/js/”, and then, in your <head> tag:

<script src="./assets/js/x-notify.js"></script>


const Notify = new XNotify("TopLeft");

	title: "Title", 
	description: "Description", 
	duration: 4000 

The above would show a notification on the top right of the screen and it’d stay there for 4 seconds before disappearing. There are quite a few options you can change, such as:

	width: "300px",
	title: "Failed to Upload File",
	description: "The file you submitted couldn't be uploaded.",
	duration: 4000,
	background: "rgb(200,50,0)",
	color: "rgb(255,255,255)"

There are 4 different notification types: “success”, “error”, “alert”, and “info”, all of which can be used like so:


By default, each type has a different and appropriate background and font color, though they can all be changed as shown above.

Here’s a list of all the options you can use, and acceptable values:

Option Type Value Description
position String “TopRight”, “BottomRight”, “BottomLeft”, “TopLeft” Where the notification popup would appear (this is passed to the constructor).
width String Any integer with “px”, such as “100px”. The width of the notification.
borderRadius String Any integer with “px”, such as “20px”. The border radius of the notification.
title String Usually, some short text. The title of the notification; something like “Upload Error”, or “Form Submitted”.
description String A longer description of the event. A description of the event the notification was shown for.
duration Integer Any integer. The duration, in milliseconds, that the notification would stay on screen for.
background String “rgb(r,g,b)”, “rgba(r,g,b,a)”, “#RRGGBB” The color of the background of the notification. Can be any RGB, RGBA, or hex value.
color String “rgb(r,g,b)”, “rgba(r,g,b,a)”, “#RRGGBB” The color of the font of the notification. Can be any RGB, RGBA, or hex value.

A full example with a button click event listener, and a fully custom notification:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
	const Notify = new XNotify();

	let custom = document.getElementById("custom");

	custom.addEventListener("click", () => {
			width: "300px",
			borderRadius: "4px",
			title: "Customized Notification",
			description: "Description of the notification.",
			duration: 10000,
			background: "rgb(0,0,30)",
			color: "rgb(0,200,255)"

Download Details:

Author: Xtrendence

Demo: https://xtrendence.github.io/X-Notify/

Source Code: https://github.com/Xtrendence/X-Notify


A Dependency-free JavaScript Notification Library
15.75 GEEK