Modern JavaScript From The Beginning | First 12 Hours

Learn Modern JavaScript in this full course for beginners. Learning about data types, functions and loops to learning DOM manipulation, asynchronous JS with promises, async/await and much more. Write unit tests for algorithms. How JavaScript works under the hood including execution context, the call stack, event loop, etc. Learn about Webpack tooling and how to create a modern development environment. Build a Node.js/Express API with a custom Webpack frontend.

This is the first 12 hours of my 37-hour JavaScript course. In thes video we will go over the fundamentals in-depth.

What you'll learn

  • All of the fundamentals, including variables, data types, functions, scope, etc
  • DOM Manipulation, events and creating dynamic UIs
  • Under the hood topics, like execution context and the call stack
  • Asynchrounous JS including callbacks, promises, async/await
  • Web APIs like geolocation, audio/video, canvas and speech
  • OOP including classes and prototypes
  • Modern environments with with Webpack tooling
  • Bonus: Complete full-stack application with Node.js/Express & Webpack

Course Description

This is a 37+ hour in-depth course that will take you from the absolute beginning of JavaScript, learning about data types, functions and loops to learning DOM manipulation, asynchronous JS with promises, async/await and much more. You will even learn how to write unit tests for algorithms. We go into how JavaScript works under the hood including execution context, the call stack, event loop, etc. We learn about Webpack tooling and how to create a modern development environment. At the end, we build a Node.js/Express API with a custom Webpack frontend.


Get The Full Course For $15! 



0:00 - Intro
1:00 - What is JavaScript?
8:43 - Environment Setup
14:10 - Running JS In The Browser
21:14 - Using The Sandbox
24:15 - The Browser Console
34:22 - Comments & Shortcuts
41:26 - Variables & Constants
52:56 - Data Types
1:05:52 - Primitive vs Reference Types
1:13:02 - Type Conversion
1:23:10 - Arithmetic & Comparison Operators
1:32:51 - Type Coercion
1:36:54 - Strings
1:52:55 - Capitalize Challenge
1:59:46 - Numbers
2:05:34 - Math Object
2:11:33 -Number Challenge
2:20:05 - Date Object
2:28:20 -  Date Object Methods
2:37:20 - Section 2 Intro - Arrays & Objects
2:38:02 - Array Basics
2:45:27 - Array Methods
2:55:56 - Nesting, Concat & Spread
3:06:06 - Array Challenges
3:13:16 - Object Literals
3:21:24 - Object Spread Operator
3:33:25 - Destructuring & Naming
3:40:24 - JSON Intro
3:49:27 - Object Challenge
3:55:50 - Section 3 Intro - Functions, Scope & Execution Context
3:57:22 -  Function Basics
4:03:32 - Parameters & Arguments
4:13:55 - Global & Function Scope
4:19:23 - Block Scope
4:24:42 - Nested Scope
4:27:38 - Declaration vs Expression
4:31:56 - Arrow Functions
4:39:35 - IFFE
4:44:39 - Function Challenges
4:57:00 - Execution Context
5:06:20 - Execution Context In Action
5:10:21 - The Call Stack
5:15:14 - Section 4  Intro - Logic & Contol Flow
5:16:25 - If Statements
5:23:18 - If-Else & Nesting
5:30:29 - Switch Statements
5:35:29 - Calculator Challenge
5:38:52 - Truthy & Falsy Values
5:51:10 - Logical Operators
5:59:19 - Logical Assignment
6:05:33 - Ternary Operator
6:15:52 - Section 5 Intro - Loops & High Order Array Functions
6:16:49 - For Loop
6:28:16 - Break & Continue
6:31:09 - While & Do...While Loops
6:38:10 - FizzBuzz Challenge
6:46:14 - For...Of Loop
6:51:18 - For...In Loop
6:54:28 - Array.forEach
7:03:03 - Array.filter
7:14:38 -
7:30:10 - Array.reduce
7:39:01 - Array Method Challenges
7:49:33 - Section 6 Intro - The DOM
7:50:46 - Intro To The  DOM
8:01:52 - Document Element Properties
8:16:14 - DOM Selectors - Single Elements
8:30:29 - DOM Selectors - Multiple Elements
8:39:49 - Traversing The DOM - Elements
8:51:16 - Traversing The DOM - Nodes
9:05:07 - Create & Append Elements
9:11:25 - innerHTML vs CreateElement
9:20:20 - Refactor To Multiple Functions
9:24:32 - Insert Elements, Text  & HTML
9:33:59 - Custom insertAfter() Challenge
9:38:49 - Replacing Elements
9:48:38 - Removing Elements
9:56:28 - Working With Styles & Classes
10:06:09 - Section 7 Intro - Events
10:07:00 - Event Listeners
10:20:03 - Mouse Events
10:30:47 - The Event Object
10:43:49 - Keyboard Events & Key Properties
10:54:21 - KeyCode Mini-Project
11:09:14 - Input Events
11:21:05 - Form Submission & Form Object
11:31:52 - Event Bubbling
11:37:33 - Event Delegation & Muiltiple Events
11:43:21 - Page Loading & Window Events


Master Modern JavaScript from The Beginning
15.30 GEEK