FilterList is a flutter plugin which is designed to provide ease in filter data from list of strings.
filterList is a flutter plugin which is developed to filter data from list
A Flutter ListView that implicitly calculates the changes between two lists using the MyersDiff algorithm and animates between them for you. The ImplicitlyAnimatedReorderableList adds reordering support to its items with fully custom animations.
A Flutter ListView that implicitly animates between the changes of two lists with support to reorder its items.
A light weight flutter customer ListView that displays multiple widget types.
Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children as shown in Material Design guidelines.
Infinite list with sticky headers.
This package was made in order to make possible render infinite list in both directions with sticky headers, unlike most packages in Dart Pub.
Supports various header positioning. Also supports Vertical and Horizontal scroll list
It highly customizable and doesn’t have any third party dependencies or native(Android/iOS) code.
In addition to default usage, this package exposes some classes, that can be overridden if needed. Also some classes it can be used inside Scrollable widgets independently from InfiniteList container.
This package uses CustomScrollView to perform scroll with all benefits for performance that Flutter provides.
A flutter widget like iOS UITableview. let listView with section header and each section header will hover at the top.
Flutter Infinite ListView - ListView with items that can be scrolled infinitely in both directions. Maintainer: @slightfoot
A Flutter UI Experiment to build awesome list for Flutter Apps.
A list component that can refreshes and adds more data for Flutter App.
A small cozy library that allows you to make snappable list views.
Issues and Pull Requests are really appreciated!
Snaplist supports different and even dynamically sized children to be listed and correctly snapped.
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