Here’s how to improve user experience by implementing a copy-to-clipboard button in React with the JavaScript Clipboard API.

If you’re reading this blog post, there’s a very good chance you’ve probably cloned a git repository from GitHub. One of the small but mighty features GitHub added to its site allows users to click a button to copy the Git URL to your clipboard so that you can easily paste it into your terminal to clone the repository to your local machine.

This is a lot easier than having to select the entire line of text, then click Control+C or Command+C to copy it. It also prevents you from missing any characters of the URL when you select it.

Now, let’s say you’re building a new blog website for yourself and you want to make it as easy as possible for readers to share a post with someone. Some social media sites offer ways to use a link and automatically start a new post on their site, but not every app supports that kind of functionality.

What if you want to copy a URL and send it to someone over Zoom or iMessage? It would greatly improve the user experience if we gave users a button to copy the text. It would also be especially helpful for mobile users.

In this post, I’m going to show you how to accomplish this by creating a reusable React component that will accept the text as a prop value, and, on click, will copy the text to the user’s clipboard.

#react #javascript #api #web-development #webdev

Implementing copy-to-clipboard in React with JavaScript Clipboard API
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