This is the supporting github repository for Task Management Application articles
The app allows you to manage projects and tasks visually using board. One board represents one project. A board contains one or more lists. Each list represents the category of tasks, such as Todo, Doing and Done. You can drag-n-drop to change the order of lists, the order of tasks inside the list, and also move task from one list to another as well- to manage the project as it moves through different stages.
If you haven’t read the earlier article in this series, then here is the article link Thinking in components with vue.js
This is a multi-page application with a rich feature set implemented right from the start. Below is the feature list of this app.
Allow user to,
Allow user to,
Allow user to,
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# run unit tests in watch mode
npm run test:unit
# run test coverage
npm run test:coverage
# To deploy your app on surge make sure you have surge cli
# installed globally on your machine.
# If you have it insalled already then feel free to skip this step
npm install -g surge
# Build and deploy the app on in staging environment
# Note: Before running this command, please change the site url
# used for this command in package.json file.
npm run deploy-staging
# Build and deploy the app on in production environment
# Note: Before running this command, please change the site url
# used for this command in package.json file.
npm run deploy
Author: techlab23
Source Code:
#vuejs #vue #javascript