The word void means “completely empty space” according to the dictionary. This term, when used in programming, refers to a return of “nothing” - an “empty value” so to speak.

What is the void keyword?

When a function is void, it means that the function returns nothing. This is similar to functions in JavaScript which return undefined explicitly, like so:

function und() {
  return undefined

or implicitly, like so:

function und() {

Regardless of the expressions and statements in the functions above (adds 2 numbers together, finds the average of 5 numbers, whatever), there is no result returned.

Now we know what the void keyword is all about. What about javascript:void(0)?

What is javascript:void(0)?

If we split this up, we have javascript: and void(0). Let’s look at each part in more detail.


This is referred to as a Pseudo URL. When a browser receives this value as the value of href on an anchor tag, it interprets the JS code that follows the colon (:) rather than treating the value as a referenced path.

For example:

<a href="javascript:console.log('javascript');alert('javascript')">Link</a>

When “Link” is clicked, here is the result:

As seen above, the browser does not treat href as a referenced path. Instead, it treats it as some JavaScript code starting after “javascript:” and separated by semi-colons.


The void operator evaluates given expressions and returns undefined.

For example:

const result = void(1 + 1);
// undefined

1 + 1 is evaluated but undefined is returned. To confirm that, here’s another example:

        void( = 'red',
    = 'white'

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JavaScript Void 0 – What Does javascript:void(0); Mean?
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