Learn how to create a component for dragging and dropping images to upload, including a regular image click and select functionality, with react-dropzone.

In this tutorial, I’ll demonstrate how to create a component for dragging and dropping images to upload. The component will include a regular image click and select functionality.

Our drag-and-drop component will do seven things:

  1. Listen for drag and drop
  2. Detect when a file is dropped on the drop zone
  3. Display image name and file type
  4. Validate dropped images
  5. Delete images with unsupported file types
  6. Preview images with valid file types
  7. Upload images

This component uses the HTML Drag and Drop API. The interface enables applications to use drag-and-drop features in browsers.

The final result should look like this:

react-dropzone Drag-and-Drop Component Final

#react #web-development #developer #javascript

How to Create Component for Dragging and Dropping with react-dropzone
9.60 GEEK