Single Elemination Tournament Bracket In Vue

vue-tournament-bracket .Vue component for rendering single elemination tournament brackets.

Based on:

Rendering is based on flex, see browser support.


Real life example can be found here:

Installation and component usage

Install component via:

npm install vue-tournament-bracket


    <bracket :rounds="rounds">
        <template slot="player" slot-scope="{{ player }}">
            {{ }}

    import Bracket from "vue-tournament-bracket";

    const rounds = [
        //Semi finals
            games: [

                    player1: { id: "1", name: "Competitor 1", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "4", name: "Competitor 4", winner: true },

                    player1: { id: "5", name: "Competitor 5", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "8", name: "Competitor 8", winner: true },
            games: [

                    player1: { id: "4", name: "Competitor 4", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "8", name: "Competitor 8", winner: true },

    export default {
        components: {
        data() {
            return {
                rounds: rounds

Third place play-off

Here is the way to represent third place play-off:

const rounds = [
        //Semi finals
            games: [

                    player1: { id: "1", name: "Competitor 1", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "4", name: "Competitor 4", winner: true },

                    player1: { id: "5", name: "Competitor 5", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "8", name: "Competitor 8", winner: true },
        //Third place play off
            games: [

                    player1: { id: "1", name: "Competitor 1", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "5", name: "Competitor 5", winner: true },
            games: [

                    player1: { id: "4", name: "Competitor 4", winner: false },
                    player2: { id: "8", name: "Competitor 8", winner: true },

Third place play-off

Bottom slot

There is slot with whole match props, use it in following way:

<bracket :rounds="rounds">
    <template #player="{ player }">
        {{ }}
    <template #player-extension-bottom="{ match }">
        Extra info: {{ match.title }}

May be useful for example for showing tooltips etc.

Bottom slot for match

Game object

Game object requires player1 and player2 objects. You can also add your own and e.g. reuse it in players-extension-bottom slot.

Following properties are forbidden and are going to be replaced with undefined:

  • games
  • hasParent

See matchProperties in GamePlayers for details.

Player object

Player object requires: id property, winner is optional, rest is up to you - rendering is customizable via scoped slot.

  • id is being used for highlighting
  • winner property applies color for player accordingly, can be also null - player’s color will be gray


Apply your custom style by overriding Bracket component CSS. See BracketNode.vue for all styles being used.


Checkout repository and:

npm install
npm run serve

Then open browser and test your changes using App.vue main component for development purposes.

See package.json to discover available commands.


npm test
npm run eslint
npm run build
git commit
npm version <version>
git push
npm publish --access=public

Download Details:

Author: kamilwylegala

Live Demo:


#vuejs #javascript #vue-js

Single Elemination Tournament Bracket In Vue
16.80 GEEK