In this course, we’ll be looking at database management basics and SQL using the MySQL RDBMS.
⭐️ Contents ⭐
⌨️ (0:00) Introduction
⌨️ (2:36) What is a Database?
⌨️ (23:10) Tables & Keys
⌨️ (43:31) SQL Basics
⌨️ (52:26) MySQL Windows Installation
⌨️ (1:01:59) MySQL Mac Installation
⌨️ (1:15:49) Creating Tables
⌨️ (1:31:05) Inserting Data
⌨️ (1:38:17) Constraints
⌨️ (1:48:11) Update & Delete
⌨️ (1:56:11) Basic Queries
⌨️ (2:08:37) Company Database Intro
⌨️ (2:14:05) Creating Company Database
⌨️ (2:30:27 ) More Basic Queries
⌨️ (2:26:24) Functions
⌨️ (2:45:13) Wildcards
⌨️ (2:53:53) Union
⌨️ (3:01:36) Joins
⌨️ (3:11:49) Nested Queries
⌨️ (3:21:52) On Delete
⌨️ (3:30:05) Triggers
⌨️ (3:42:12) ER Diagrams Intro
⌨️ (3:55:53) Designing an ER Diagram
⌨️ (4:08:34) Converting ER Diagrams to Schemas
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