Learn Flutter fast in this tutorial by building a shopping list / to do list app with Riverpod, Firebase, Flutter Hooks, and Freezed. Watch tips and tricks to quickly design and prototype a fully functioning mobile app. This tutorial is great for developers who want to improve their mobile app development skills.

ยป Timestamps ๐Ÿ•’
0:00โ€‹ Introduction
0:34โ€‹ Flutter Branch - Null Safety
0:50โ€‹ pubspec.yaml and analysis_options.yaml
1:50โ€‹ Firebase Setup
2:14โ€‹ Firebase Authentication
2:30โ€‹ Auth Repository
5:21โ€‹ Auth Controller
6:44โ€‹ Testing Anonymous Authentication and Logout
7:32โ€‹ Item Model with Freezed
10:08โ€‹ Item Repository
12:32โ€‹ Item Controller
15:36โ€‹ Add Item Dialog
17:01โ€‹ Display Errors with SnackBar
17:16โ€‹ Item List
17:51โ€‹ Item List Error
18:17โ€‹ Item Tile and Build Optimizations
19:27โ€‹ Running the app
19:54โ€‹ Item List Filter Provider
20:59โ€‹ Item List Filter Toggle
21:24โ€‹ Thanks for watching ๐Ÿ™

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#flutter #firebase #hooks

Build Flutter Apps Fast with Riverpod, Firebase, Hooks, and Freezed Architecture | Apps From Scratch
10.25 GEEK