create a complete responsive personal portfolio website design using html css javascript / jquery from scratch.
how to make a complete responsive personal portfolio website design with dark mode theme toggle effect.

the main feature of this website are:
✔ responsive sticky navbar / header with toggle effect.
✔ responsive home section using flexbox.
✔ responsive about section using flexbox.
✔ responsive services section using flexbox.
✔ responsive portfolio section section with filter effect using flexbox.
✔ responsive blog section using flexbox.
✔ responsive contact section using flexbox.

0:00​ demo
5:15​ file structure
6:09​ header section
12:13​ home section
18:16​ about section
26:59​ service section
31:42​ portfolio section
38:36​ blog section
43:29​ contact section
51:31​ footer section
52:33​ theme toggler / dark mode
55:04​ smooth scrolling
56:01​ final demo

download the source code from google drive ( includes images ):

font awesome cdn link:​

jquery cdn link:​

fonts are from google fonts:


#html #css #javascript

How To Make Responsive Personal Portfolio Website Design Using HTML / CSS  / JQUERY - Step By Step
15.50 GEEK