A Flutter Plugin for Integrating Razorpay Payment Gateway

Flutter Razorpay Plugin

A flutter plugin for razorpay integration for both android and ios.

If you use this library in your app, please let me know and I’ll add it to the list.


Add this in pubspec.yaml

  razorpay_plugin: ^0.3.0


import 'package:razorpay_plugin/razorpay_plugin.dart';

  startPayment() async {
    Map<String, dynamic> options = new Map();
    options.putIfAbsent("name", () => "Razorpay T-Shirt");
    options.putIfAbsent("image", () => "https://www.73lines.com/web/image/12427");
    options.putIfAbsent("description", () => "This is a real transaction");
    options.putIfAbsent("amount", () => "100");
    options.putIfAbsent("email", () => "test@testing.com");
    options.putIfAbsent("contact", () => "9988776655");
    //Must be a valid HTML color.
    options.putIfAbsent("theme", () => "#FF0000");
    //Notes -- OPTIONAL
    Map<String, String> notes = new Map();
    notes.putIfAbsent('key', () => "value");
    notes.putIfAbsent('randomInfo', () => "haha");
    options.putIfAbsent("notes", () => notes);
    options.putIfAbsent("api_key", () => "API_KEY_HERE");
    Map<dynamic,dynamic> paymentResponse = new Map();
    paymentResponse = await Razorpay.showPaymentForm(options);
    print("response $paymentResponse");


Response :

 {"code": 0, "message": "payment cancelled by user"}


 {"code": 1, "message": "rpz_asdw23axd223s"}

If payment is successful message will contain the payment_id from razorpay.

Demo app

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Download Details:

Author: dynamitechetan

GitHub: https://github.com/dynamitechetan/razorpay_flutter

#flutter #dart #programming #mobile-apps

A Flutter Plugin for Integrating Razorpay Payment Gateway
13.25 GEEK