SQL users, learn how to use JavaScript's .filter(), .map(), and .reduce() functions to transform and manipulate data in arrays. This guide provides a clear and concise explanation of these functions, with examples that compare them to SQL SELECT, WHERE, and GROUP BY statements.

I found using .filter() .map() and .reduce() Array methods could help to reduce code complexity and simplify many typical array data processing tasks.Looking at  http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5/#test-Array_methods, you can confirm these methods are compatible with almost any modern desktop/mobile browser.

A good approach to understand how to use **.filter() .map() **and .reduce() is to compare each one to SQL data operations in SELECT statements.

Consider the following SQL query:

category, SUM(amount) as total
FROM transactions
WHERE status = 'active'
GROUP BY category

A common SQL command could have three type of data operations: map or select fields to display ( category, total ), filter data using conditions (status = ‘active’), and reduce the results generating summary data using an aggregate function (SUM) specifying some aggregate groups (category). In Javascript, these operations could be performed using .filter() .map() and .reduce()

#javascript #sql

How to Explain Javascript .filter() .map() and .reduce() to SQL users
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