Visualizing Sorting Algorithms with React Framework

Sorting Visualizer

This is a web app built using React and is used to visualize classic sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, merge sort, and quick sort. It also takes advantage of material-ui library.

This app is deployed with GitHub Pages and can be accessed here:

To do / Features

  • [x] Live version on gh-pages
  • [x] Basic UI
  • [x] Generate values
  • [x] Bubble sort
  • [x] Adjustable settings
  • [x] Merge sort
  • [x] Quick sort
  • [x] Color code sorted bars
  • [x] Pause, play, step through
  • [x] Better styling
  • [x] Indicate bars being compared

Live demo

Created with create-react-app. See the full create-react-app guide.

Download Details:

Author: bennettoh


Source Code:

#react #reactjs #javascript

Visualizing Sorting Algorithms with React Framework
49.45 GEEK