Angular has evolved over the years, claiming its spot at the second world’s most used JS framework. Having a strong team and vibrant dev ecosystem, it had spurred and sprouted many tools and libraries.It had undergone changes and still changing, from v4+ to v8+,

it has seen so many deprecations and new features ranging from Internationalization to Incremental DOM brought by its new rendering engine (Ivy).

Being such a huge and sought-after JS framework (owned by Google. Who wouldn’t go for it?), developers are consistently either trying to find the right tools to use in their Angular project/app or trying to keep pace with the nearly daily Angular tool being churned out. I have decided to nail down at least 11 of the most awesome tools (visual, extension or anything smelling Angular) that help Angular developers.

1. Augury

Arguably the best and one developer tool everybody should install in their browsers. I can’t help but keep thanking the guys behind this awesome tool.Augury is probably the most used and installed Angular extension. It provides so many features ranging from profiling Angular apps to debugging them.

Augury is probably the most used and installed Angular extension. It provides so many features ranging from profiling Angular apps to debugging them.

#angular #javascript #typescript #web development

Top 10 Favorite Tools for Angular Developers
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