react-native-reanimated-slider a reanimated slider for video players.
The slider from the react-native is not good for videos/audio players. if you slide it while the player is playing the file. it will jump a lot between where the file is playing right now and where your finger is, producing very bad UX. this libray uses react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-hander to produce 60 fps animations and stops jumping the slider while sliding.
first install and link react-native-reanimated
and react-native-gesture-hander
and then install this packeage. ( I know you can install this packeage first :) )
yarn add react-native-reanimated-slider
npm i -s react-native-reanimated-slider
prop | type | description |
style | Object | a style object to supply to container view |
minimumTrackTintColor | String | color to fill the progress in the seekbar |
maximumTrackTintColor | String | color to fill the background in the seekbar |
cacheTrackTintColor | String | color to fill the cache in the seekbar |
borderColor | String | color of the seekbar’s border |
ballon | (value)=>String | gets the value and returns a String for the ballon to display while sliding |
progress | Animated.Value | the current value of the slider |
min | Animated.Value | the minimum value of the slider |
cache | Animated.Value | the cached value |
max | Animated.Value | the maximum value of the slider |
onSlidingStart | ()=>void | callback called when the users starts sliding |
onSlidingComplete | (value)=>void | callback called when the users stops sliding |
renderBallon | ({ show: AnimatedValue, translateX: AnimatedValue })=>React.Node | returns a React node to render as a ballon |
setBallonText | text=>void | if you use custom Ballon renderer you have to supply this prop to set the text inside the ballon. for better performance you better use a TextInput and setNativeProps. the text argument will be the output from the prop ballon |
import Slider from 'react-native-reanimated-slider';
return (
style={{ flex: 1 }}
ballon={value => this.convertSecondToTime(value)}
min={new Reanimated.Value(-0.0000000000000000001)}
import {Ballon } from 'react-native-reanimated-slider';
prop | type | description |
text | String | a text to show in ballon |
containerStyle | Object | container style |
color | string | color of the ballon |
textStyle | Object | style of the text inside the ballon |
Author: alikazemkhanloo
#react-native #programming