The Best React Message Components Examples

1. React Intl Enhanced Message

Enhance formatted messages as rich text with react-intl.

React Intl Enhanced Message

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2. React Messenger

Chat UX components built with React, inspired by Facebook Messenger

React Messenger

This project uses React and CSS to recreate the Facebook Messenger web application. It is in its early stages but most of the building blocks are in place. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PRODUCT NOR IS IT MAINTAINED BY ANY FACEBOOK EMPLOYEES.

Demo :

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3. BEM Toast message - React

A basic template for React fiddling.

4. React Redux Toast

react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux, primary consists of three things: a reducer, toastr emitter and a React component.

React Redux Toast

The reducer listens to dispatched actions from the component to maintain the toastr state in Redux.

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5. Extract React Intl Messages

This package will generate json or yaml files from a glob. It will generate one file per locale, with the ids of each message defined by the defineMessages function of react-intl. The value of each of these keys will be an empty string, except for your defaultLocale which will be populated with the defaultMessage.

Extract  React Intl Messages

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6. React Crouton

A message component for reactjs

React Crouton

Demo :

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The Best React Message Components Examples
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