Take advantage of real-time communication on your website with PeerJS, a library that simplifies WebRTC and makes peer-to-peer chatting easy.

A little over 10 years ago, Google bought a smaller company called GIPS for a bit less than $70 million. This marked the beginning of Google’s endeavor to bring real-time communication (RTC) natively to browsers. By open-sourcing GIPS’s primary product, Google set a standard that was first implemented by Ericsson and then solidified in a W3C specification.

Today, this standard is known as WebRTC and is widely supported among all major browsers and platforms. This technology gives you the ability to provide a way of exchanging video, audio, and other data between different users on your page, independently of the users’ specific browser and device types.

One of the downsides of WebRTC is that it is quite complex. Luckily, we can use PeerJS — a library that simplifies WebRTC and provides a complete, configurable, and easy-to-use peer-to-peer connection API.

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Getting started with PeerJS
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