Do you still need Vuex in Vue 3? In this video, we will be looking at the changes made to Vuex 4 and then using these concepts to create a todo using Vue 3’s composition API with typescript support.

The major goal of version 4 is to support the new Composition API introduced in Vue 3 and to simplify the usage of Vuex overall. It is also intended to support a more robust inference for TypeScript. I do feel the new way of typescript support in Vuex is improved but it is verbose and still needs more improvement. We will explore this in detail with a todo app example

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  • 0:00 - Intro
  • 0:16 - Do we need Vuex In Vue 3?
  • 0:46 - Vuex 4 Changes
  • 1:35 - State
  • 1:55 - Mutations
  • 2:24 - Actions
  • 2:41 - Getters
  • 2:53 - Creating Store typing
  • 3:30 - Todo App
  • 4:32 - Conclusion

#vue #typescript #api #programming #developer

Creating a Vuex Todo App with Typescript and Vue 3 Composition API
41.05 GEEK