
Almost every app requires some level of authorization system. In some cases, validating a username/password set with our Users table is enough, but often, we need a more fine-grained permissions model to allow certain users to access certain resources and restrict them from others. Building a system to support the latter is not trivial and can be very time consuming. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a role-based auth API using Firebase, which will help us get quickly up and running.

Role-based Auth

In this authorization model, access is granted to roles, instead of specific users, and a user can have one or more depending on how you design your permission model. Resources, on the other hand, require certain roles to allow a user to execute it.


Firebase Authentication

In a nutshell, Firebase Authentication is an extensible token-based auth system and provides out-of-the-box integrations with the most common providers such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, among others.

It enables us to use custom claims which we’ll leverage to build a flexible role-based API.

We can set any JSON value into the claims (e.g., { role: 'admin' } or { role: 'manager' }).

Once set, custom claims will be included in the token that Firebase generates, and we can read the value to control access.

It also comes with a very generous free quota, which in most cases will be more than enough.

Firebase Functions

Functions are a fully-managed serverless platform service. We just need to write our code in Node.js and deploy it. Firebase takes care of scaling the infrastructure on demand, server configuration, and more. In our case, we’ll use it to build our API and expose it via HTTP to the web.

Firebase allows us to set express.js apps as handlers for different paths—for example, you can create an Express app and hook it to /mypath, and all requests coming to this route will be handled by the app configured.

From within the context of a function, you have access to the whole Firebase Authentication API, using the Admin SDK.

This is how we’ll create the user API.

What We’ll Build

So before we get started, let’s take a look at what we’ll build. We are going to create a REST API with the following endpoints:

Each of these endpoints will handle authentication, validate authorization, perform the correspondent operation, and finally return a meaningful HTTP code.

We’ll create the authentication and authorization functions required to validate the token and check if the claims contain the required role to execute the operation.

Building the API

In order to build the API, we’ll need:

  • A Firebase project
  • firebase-tools installed

First, log in to Firebase:

firebase login

Next, initialize a Functions project:

firebase init

? Which Firebase CLI features do you want to set up for this folder? ...
(O) Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions

? Select a default Firebase project for this directory: {your-project}

? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions? TypeScript

? Do you want to use TSLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? Yes

? Do you want to install dependencies with npm now? Yes

At this point, you will have a Functions folder, with minimum setup to create Firebase Functions.

At src/index.ts there’s a helloWorld example, which you can uncomment to validate that your Functions works. Then you can cd functions and run npm run serve. This command will transpile the code and start the local server.

You can check the results at http://localhost:5000/{your-project}/us-central1/helloWorld

Notice the function is exposed on the path defined as the name of it at 'index.ts: 'helloWorld'.

Creating a Firebase HTTP Function

Now let’s code our API. We are going to create an http Firebase function and hook it on /api path.

First, install npm install express.

On the src/index.ts we will:

  • A Firebase project
  • firebase-tools installed
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import * as express from 'express';


const app = express();

export const api = functions.https.onRequest(app);

Now, all requests going to /api will be handled by the app instance.

The next thing we’ll do is configure the app instance to support CORS and add JSON body parser middleware. This way we can make requests from any URL and parse JSON formatted requests.

We’ll first install required dependencies.

npm install --save cors body-parser
npm install --save-dev @types/cors

And then:

import * as cors from 'cors';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';

const app = express();
app.use(cors({ origin: true }));

export const api = functions.https.onRequest(app);

Finally, we will configure the routes that the app will handle.

import { routesConfig } from './users/routes-config';
app.use(cors({ origin: true }));

export const api = functions.https.onRequest(app);

Firebase Functions allows us to set an Express app as the handler, and any path after the one you set up at functions.https.onRequest(app);—in this case, api—will also be handled by the app. This allows us to write specific endpoints such as api/users and set a handler for each HTTP verb, which we’ll do next.

Let’s create the file src/users/routes-config.ts

Here, we’ll set a create handler at POST '/users'

import { Application } from "express";
import { create} from "./controller";

export function routesConfig(app: Application) {'/users',

Now, we’ll create the src/users/controller.ts file.

In this function, we first validate that all fields are in the body request, and next, we create the user and set the custom claims.

We are just passing { role } in the setCustomUserClaims—the other fields are already set by Firebase.

If no errors occur, we return a 201 code with the uid of the user created.

import { Request, Response } from "express";
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'

export async function create(req: Request, res: Response) {
   try {
       const { displayName, password, email, role } = req.body

       if (!displayName || !password || !email || !role) {
           return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Missing fields' })

       const { uid } = await admin.auth().createUser({
       await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid, { role })

       return res.status(201).send({ uid })
   } catch (err) {
       return handleError(res, err)

function handleError(res: Response, err: any) {
   return res.status(500).send({ message: `${err.code} - ${err.message}` });

Now, let’s secure the handler by adding authorization. To do that, we’ll add a couple of handlers to our create endpoint. With express.js, you can set a chain of handlers that will be executed in order. Within a handler, you can execute code and pass it to the next() handler or return a response. What we’ll do is first authenticate the user and then validate if it is authorized to execute. If the user doesn’t have the required role, we’ll return a 403.

On file src/users/routes-config.ts:

import { isAuthenticated } from "../auth/authenticated";
import { isAuthorized } from "../auth/authorized";

export function routesConfig(app: Application) {'/users',
       isAuthorized({ hasRole: ['admin', 'manager'] }),

Let’s create the files src/auth/authenticated.ts.

On this function, we’ll validate the presence of the authorization bearer token in the request header. Then we’ll decode it with admin.auth().verifyidToken()  and persist the user’s uidrole, and email in the res.locals variable, which we’ll later use to validate authorization.

In the case the token is invalid, we return a 401 response to the client:

import { Request, Response } from "express";
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'

export async function isAuthenticated(req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) {
   const { authorization } = req.headers

   if (!authorization)
       return res.status(401).send({ message: 'Unauthorized' });

   if (!authorization.startsWith('Bearer'))
       return res.status(401).send({ message: 'Unauthorized' });

   const split = authorization.split('Bearer ')
   if (split.length !== 2)
       return res.status(401).send({ message: 'Unauthorized' });

   const token = split[1]

   try {
       const decodedToken: admin.auth.DecodedIdToken = await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(token);
       console.log("decodedToken", JSON.stringify(decodedToken))
       res.locals = { ...res.locals, uid: decodedToken.uid, role: decodedToken.role, email: }
       return next();
   catch (err) {
       console.error(`${err.code} -  ${err.message}`)
       return res.status(401).send({ message: 'Unauthorized' });

Now, let’s create a src/auth/authorized.ts file.

In this handler, we extract the user’s info from res.locals we set previously and validate if it has the role required to execute the operation or in the case the operation allows the same user to execute, we validate that the ID on the request params is the same as the one in the auth token.

import { Request, Response } from "express";

export function isAuthorized(opts: { hasRole: Array<'admin' | 'manager' | 'user'>, allowSameUser?: boolean }) {
   return (req: Request, res: Response, next: Function) => {
       const { role, email, uid } = res.locals
       const { id } = req.params

       if (opts.allowSameUser && id && uid === id)
           return next();

       if (!role)
           return res.status(403).send();

       if (opts.hasRole.includes(role))
           return next();

       return res.status(403).send();

With these two methods, we’ll be able to authenticate requests and authorize them given the rolein the incoming token. That’s great, but since Firebase doesn’t let us set custom claims from the project console, we won’t be able to execute any of these endpoints. In order to bypass this, we can create a root user from Firebase Authentication Console

And set an email comparison in the code. Now, when firing requests from this user, we’ll be able to execute all operations.

  const { role, email, uid } = res.locals
  const { id } = req.params

  if (email === '')
    return next();

Now, let’s add the rest of the CRUD operations to src/users/routes-config.ts.

For operations to get or update a single user where :id param is sent, we also allow the same user to execute the operation.

export function routesConfig(app: Application) {
   // lists all users
   app.get('/users', [
       isAuthorized({ hasRole: ['admin', 'manager'] }),
   // get :id user
   app.get('/users/:id', [
       isAuthorized({ hasRole: ['admin', 'manager'], allowSameUser: true }),
   // updates :id user
   app.patch('/users/:id', [
       isAuthorized({ hasRole: ['admin', 'manager'], allowSameUser: true }),
   // deletes :id user
   app.delete('/users/:id', [
       isAuthorized({ hasRole: ['admin', 'manager'] }),

And on src/users/controller.ts. In these operations, we leverage the admin SDK to interact with Firebase Authentication and perform the respective operations. As we did previously on createoperation, we return a meaningful HTTP code on each operation.

For the update operation, we validate all fields present and override customClaims with those sent in the request:


export async function all(req: Request, res: Response) {
   try {
       const listUsers = await admin.auth().listUsers()
       const users = => {
           const customClaims = (user.customClaims || { role: '' }) as { role?: string }
           const role = customClaims.role ? customClaims.role : ''
           return {
               uid: user.uid,
               displayName: user.displayName,
               lastSignInTime: user.metadata.lastSignInTime,
               creationTime: user.metadata.creationTime

       return res.status(200).send({ users })
   } catch (err) {
       return handleError(res, err)

export async function get(req: Request, res: Response) {
   try {
       const { id } = req.params
       const user = await admin.auth().getUser(id)
       return res.status(200).send({ user })
   } catch (err) {
       return handleError(res, err)

export async function patch(req: Request, res: Response) {
   try {
       const { id } = req.params
       const { displayName, password, email, role } = req.body

       if (!id || !displayName || !password || !email || !role) {
           return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Missing fields' })

       const user = await admin.auth().updateUser(id, { displayName, password, email })
       await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(id, { role })
       return res.status(204).send({ user })
   } catch (err) {
       return handleError(res, err)

export async function remove(req: Request, res: Response) {
   try {
       const { id } = req.params
       await admin.auth().deleteUser(id)
       return res.status(204).send({})
   } catch (err) {
       return handleError(res, err)


Now we can run the function locally. To do that, first you need to set up the account key to be able to connect with the auth API locally. Then run:

npm run serve

Deploy the API

Great! Now that we have our written the role-based API, we can deploy it to the web and start using it. Deploying with Firebase is super easy, we just need to run firebase deploy. Once the deploy is completed, we can access our API at the published URL.

You can check the API URL at{your-project}/functions/list.

In my case, it is

Consuming the API

Once our API is deployed, we have several ways to use it—in this tutorial, I’ll cover how to use it via Postman or from an Angular app.

If we enter the List All Users URL (/api/users) on any browser, we’ll get the following:

The reason for this is when sending the request from a browser, we are performing a GET request without auth headers. These means our API is actually working as expected!

Our API is secured via tokens—in order to generate such a token, we need to call Firebase’s Client SDK and log in with a valid user/password credential. When successful, Firebase will send a token back in the response which we can then add to the header of any following request we want to perform.

From an Angular App

In this tutorial, I’ll just go over the important pieces to consume the API from an Angular app. The full repository can be accessed here, and if you need a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an Angular app and configure @angular/fire to use, it you can check this post.

So, back to signing in, we’ll have a SignInComponent with a <form> to let the user enter a username and password.

<form [formGroup]="form">
   <div class="form-group">
     <label>Email address</label>
     <input type="email"
            placeholder="Enter email">
   <div class="form-group">
     <input type="password"


And on the class, we signInWithEmailAndPassword using the AngularFireAuth service.


 form: FormGroup = new FormGroup({
   email: new FormControl(''),
   password: new FormControl('')

   private afAuth: AngularFireAuth
 ) { }

 async signIn() {
   try {
     const { email, password } = this.form.value
     await this.afAuth.auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
   } catch (err) {


At this point, we can sign in to our Firebase project.

And when we inspect the network requests in the DevTools, we can see that Firebase returns a token after verifying our user and password.

This token is the one we will use to send on our header’s request to the API we’ve built. One way to add the token to all requests is using an HttpInterceptor.

This file shows how to get the token from AngularFireAuth and add it to the header’s request. We then provide the interceptor file in the AppModule.


@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class AuthTokenHttpInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {

       private auth: AngularFireAuth
   ) {


   intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
       return this.auth.idToken.pipe(
           switchMap(idToken => {
               let clone = req.clone()
               if (idToken) {
                   clone = clone.clone({ headers: req.headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + idToken) });
               return next.handle(clone)


export const AuthTokenHttpInterceptorProvider = {
   useClass: AuthTokenHttpInterceptor,
   multi: true


 providers: [
export class AppModule { }

Once the interceptor is set, we can make requests to our API from httpClient. For example, here’s a UsersService where we call the list all users, get the user by its ID, and create a user.


export type CreateUserRequest = { displayName: string, password: string, email: string, role: string }

 providedIn: 'root'
export class UserService {

 private baseUrl = '{your-functions-url}/api/users'

   private http: HttpClient
 ) { }
  get users$(): Observable<User[]> {
   return this.http.get<{ users: User[] }>(`${this.baseUrl}`).pipe(
     map(result => {
       return result.users

 user$(id: string): Observable<User> {
   return this.http.get<{ user: User }>(`${this.baseUrl}/${id}`).pipe(
     map(result => {
       return result.user

 create(user: CreateUserRequest) {
   return`${this.baseUrl}`, user)

Now, we can call the API to get the user by its ID and list all users from a component like this:

   <ul *ngIf="user$ | async; let user" 
     <li class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
         <h5 class="mb-1">{{user.displayName}}</h5>
       <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill">{{user.role?.toUpperCase()}}</span>

  <ul *ngIf="users$ | async; let users"
     <li *ngFor="let user of users"
         class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
         <h5 class="mb-1">{{user.displayName}}</h5>
         <small class="d-block">{{}}</small>
         <small class="d-block">{{user.uid}}</small>
       <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill">{{user.role?.toUpperCase()}}</span>

 users$: Observable<User[]>
 user$: Observable<User>

   private userService: UserService,
   private userForm: UserFormService,
   private modal: NgbModal,
   private afAuth: AngularFireAuth
 ) { }

 ngOnInit() {
   this.users$ = this.userService.users$

   this.user$ = this.afAuth.user.pipe(
     filter(user => !!user),
     switchMap(user => this.userService.user$(user.uid))


And here’s the result.

Notice that if we sign in with a user with role=user, only the Me section will be rendered.

And we’ll get a 403 on the network inspector.

From Postman

Postman is a tool to build and make requests to APIs. This way, we can simulate that we are calling our API from any client app or a different service.

What we’ll demo is how to send a request to list all users.

Once we open the tool, we set the URL https://us-central1-{your-project}

Next, on the tab authorization, we choose Bearer Token and we set the value we extracted from Dev Tools previously.


Congratulations! You’ve made it through the whole tutorial and now you’ve learned to create a user role-based API on Firebase.

Further reading:

Node Package Manager (NPM) Tutorial

How to Send the Email Using the Gmail SMTP in Node.js

Real-Time Chat App with Node.js, Express.js, and

Dockerizing a Vue Application

Node js Express Upload File/Image Example

Building A GraphQL API With Nodejs And MongoDB

Async vs. Sync Handling Concurrency in JS

4 Ways to Empty an Array in Node.js

How to programmatically compress PNG images using Node.js

#node-js #firebase

Build a REST API to manage users and roles using Firebase and Node.js
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