When I added Image to my classifier for training then it throws some exceptions. We are using the Mobilenet model of ml5.js in which when we call train() method.
let features = ml5.featureExtractor('MobileNet'); const classifier = features.classification(); console.log("setup classifier DONE", classifier);var img2; console.log("adding images"); const gorra = new Image(); gorra.src = "https://ml5js.org/docs/assets/img/bird.jpg"; gorra.width = 224; gorra.height = 224; console.log("adding images DONE", gorra); img2 = new Image(); img2.src = "{!$Resource.cat}" img2.width = 224; img2.height = 224; console.log(img2); var img3; img3 = new Image(); img3.src = "{!$Resource.car}" img3.width = 224; img3.height = 224; console.log(img3); console.log("setup classifier"); var img4; img4 = new Image(); img4.src = "{!$Resource.car1}" img4.width = 224; img4.height = 224; console.log(img4); console.log("setup classifier"); console.log("adding example image..."); const ex = classifier.addImage(document.getElementById('imgshow'), "Gorra"); console.log("adding ex image DONE!...", ex); const ex1 = classifier.addImage(img2, "Gorra"); console.log("adding ex1 image DONE!...", ex1); const ex2 = classifier.addImage(img3, "car"); console.log("adding ex1 image DONE!...", ex2); const ex3 = classifier.addImage(img4, "car"); console.log("adding ex1 image DONE!...", ex3); console.log('claasifier'+classifier); console.log("Training"); // const trainer ; setTimeout(function(){ const trainer = classifier.train(); console.log("Training DONE", trainer);}, 30000);
after adding image whenever train() run it throws this error enter image description here which is taking reference of Mobilnet.js library, I have highlighted the line where it causes that error enter image description here
please let me know, how can we resolve this.
#javascript #tensorflow #machine-learning #deep-learning