Outsourcing has stopped being something exceptional, quickly turning from a novelty into a widespread and well-established business approach. Being flexible and cost-effective, this practice of hiring a skillful workforce beyond the city limits or even the country borders suits an expanding circle of entrepreneurs in many industries. Some fields are susceptible to this model of remote employment, and the IT sector sets the pace among them, shaping the contours of the outsourcing trend for the coming years.

Offshore and nearshore software development is gaining momentum and is expected to exceed $4 billion only in Ukraine in 2020, with an annual growth of 1.2% in the following three years. However, bright perspectives which attract both customers and developers don’t open without a fair share of IT outsourcing risks.

Those are consequences of the outsourcing boom that continues to attract hundreds of new developers to the already full IT outsourcing market. With the wide range of variants, consumers of software development services find it increasingly challenging to make the right choice of a partner that will deliver them a high-quality product at a reasonable price within the agreed time box.

Our company has accumulated considerable experience of working with clients who faced outsourcing failures because their initial request wasn’t successful, so we had to correct mistakes and remedy slips to make a system work smoothly. Communication with customers who went through bitter experiences in dealing with offshore sellers let us identify common mistakes that they make while selecting an outsourcing partner.

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