yajra datatables crud with ajax in laravel 7. In this post, i will show you how to create crud using datatable in laravel with ajax and model.

Now, i am going to show you how to install and use datatables in laravel 7 application. i will use jquery ajax crud with modals using datatables js in laravel 7. i will write easy code of jquery ajax request for crud with yajra datatable.

Laravel 7 DataTable CRUD Example

Use the below steps and create yajra DataTables crud with ajax in laravel:

Step 1: Install Laravel App For DataTable Crud
Step 2: Configuration .evn file
Step 3: Run Migration
Step 4: Install Yajra DataTables Package
Step 5: Add Fake Data into Database table
Step 6: Add Datatable Ajax Route
Stpe 7: Create DataTableController
Step 8: Create Ajax Datatable Blade View
Step 9: Start Development Server


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Laravel 7 Crud using Datatables
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