Amazon Simple Storage Service or Amazon S3 is a service designed to house storage for the internet. In this article, we’ll talk through all the strategies you can use to reduce Amazon S3 costs.

First, let’s review the factors that affect Amazon S3 monthly costs. You will pay for:

  • The size of data stored each month (GB).
  • The number of access operations completed (e.g. PUT, COPY, POST, LIST, GET, SELECT, or other request types).
  • The number of transitions between different classes.
  • Data retrieval size and amount of requests.
  • Data transfer fees (bandwidth out from Amazon S3)

One of the most important cost factors is the storage class. Make sure you understand the different classes available and their use cases. Let’s quickly review and compare them.

Amazon S3 offers 6 different storage classes.

  • S3 Standard
  • S3 Intelligent-Tiering
  • S3 Standard-IA
  • S3 One Zone-IA
  • S3 Glacier
  • S3 Glacier Deep Archive

Keep in mind that every S3 object can be assigned a specific storage

class. Thus a bucket might have objects with different classes simultaneously.

S3 Standard class is typically used for frequently accessed data. Although the cost per Gb is high, you don’t pay for the number of requests. And therefore this storage class is best suited for objects read or written several times each month.

The third class in the table is S3 Standard-IA. It has a lower Storage Price. But the access cost is higher. According to AWS, it should be used for long-lived but infrequently accessed data that needs instant access.

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12 Strategies to Reduce Amazon S3 Costs
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