Docker offers a set of “platform-as-a-service” products that help us develop and deploy applications by packaging them into containers. Moreover, for the development and deployment of these applications, Docker provides a new range of terminology and a new set of commands. So far, we have gotten acquainted with major concepts in Docker like Docker Containers_, _Docker Image, Dockerfile, etc. Additionally, we have also seen a few Docker commands while exploring these topics in detail. But, it is always beneficial to have a reference point for all the common commands. Subsequently, in this tutorial, you will find the most common commands in one place. The article will cover:

  • Docker Container Commands
  • Docker Image Commands
  • Also, Docker Commands for information
  • Docker Network Commands

Docker Container Commands

The Docker Containers are lightweight and portable components and are virtual environments that we can share without having to risk inconsistencies in development. Additionally, the table below summarises various Docker container commands:


Docker Commands Cheat Sheet - Syntax and Examples Included
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