Companies spend upwards of $15 million annually tackling data downtime, in other words, periods of time where data is missing, broken, or otherwise erroneous, and 1 in 5 companies have lost a customer due to incomplete or inaccurate data.
Fortunately, there’s hope in the next frontier of data: observability. Here’s how data engineers and BI analysts at Yotpo, a global eCommerce company, increases cost savings, collaboration, and productivity with data observability at scale.
Yotpo works with eCommerce companies across the world to help them accelerate online revenue growth through reviews, visual marketing, loyalty and referral programs, and SMS marketing.
For Yoav Kamin, Director of Business Performance, and Doron Porat, Data Engineering Team Leader, having consistently accurate and reliable data is foundational to the success of this mission.

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Data Observability: How to Fix Data Quality at Scale
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