The framework is often termed as “Spring on Steroids” and indeed it is.

If you are not living under the rock, then you must have heard about Spring Boot, the framework which provides a simpler and faster way to set up, configure, and run both simple and web-based applications.  Spring Boot is a framework created to simplify the bootstrapping and development of a new Spring application  by the Pivotal team.


Well, Pivotal was heavily criticized for their heavy reliance of XML based configurations. In 2013, the CTO of Pivotal made the company mission to make an XML-free development platform that would not only simplify the development of the applications but also would simplify the dependency management, which was a nightmare back then.

In the third quarter of 2013, Spring Boot gained huge popularity by demonstrating its simplicity with a runnable web application that fit in under 140-characters, delivered in a tweet. This tweet came after its first beta release and was enough to make the developers talk about it.

The Viral tweet of Spring Boot’s “Hello World” in 2013

Spring Boot, in a single line, means:

( Spring Framework — XML Configuration ) + Integrated Server

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Features That Every Developer Must Know About Spring Boot
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