Every time I read an article from the New York Times, I usually like to read through some of the comments to get a better perspective on a story. However, sometimes there are thousands of comments and I don’t have time to read through them all and would like to get the gist of the main discussion points.
Setting up a quick topic modeling script could help me get the gist of the key topics folks are discussing about in the comment section of an article.
Note: We will be using Latent Dirichlet Allocaiton (LDA) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization(NMF) methods in this tutorial. I won’t go in-depth into explaining how it works, as there are many great articles on medium discussing this. This is strictly a programming tutorial to get your topic modeling code set up quickly.

#python #nmf #topic-modeling #lda #data-science

Topic Modeling the Comment Section From a New York Times Article.
1.40 GEEK