Here are 5 design tips for creating optimal column charts. The tips are based on a study conducted which uses eye-tracking technology to get insights on how we read and understand charts (see link below).

This is how eye-tacking tests are done: The participant is presented with a question which they need to answer by looking at the visualization on the screen while the camera is tracking their eye movements. Two parameters are measured. One is effectiveness – which means was the answer correct and number two is efficiency, which means how fast were they able to respond.

Download the full research paper from:

Sources used in this video ______________________________

Eye-tracking video:

Case study shown from University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria:

Attribution: Picture of Edward Tufte By Keegan Peterzell - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


5 Eye-Tracking Discoveries for OPTIMAL Chart Design - Do you use these?
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