Become a Web Developer from Scratch - The Complete Course

Learn how to become a Web Developer in this full course. A comprehensive course designed to guide you through the process of creating interactive websites and web applications using a suite of modern technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, Expressjs, Socketio, and MongoDB.

This course is designed for learners who are passionate about diving into the world of web development, regardless of previous experience. We'll start with the basics and gradually move towards more complex concepts and projects.

In the first few sections, we'll lay the groundwork by exploring what web development is, and how to write and understand code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - the three fundamental building blocks of the web. We'll build a sample website and engage in several beginner-friendly web projects like a calculator, quiz app, countdown timer, and todo app .These projects will allow you to consolidate your learning and see how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to build functional, interactive websites.

Next, we'll delve into back-end development with a focus on Node.js and Express.js. You'll understand the concepts behind server-side programming, creating RESTful APIs, and managing data with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database.

The course reaches its climax with an exciting project where you'll apply everything you've learned. You'll build a real-time chat application using Nodejs, Expressjs, Socketio, and MongoDB. This project will help you understand how all these technologies interact in a full-stack JavaScript environment.

By the end of this course, you'll have a robust understanding of web development and a portfolio of projects to showcase your skills. You'll be equipped to build interactive websites and applications, setting you firmly on your path to becoming a proficient web developer. Whether you're looking to start a career in web development, or you're a professional looking to expand your skill set, this course will provide a solid foundation to help you reach your goals.

What you'll learn

  •    The basics of web development and how the internet works.
  •    How to write well-structured HTML documents.
  •    The use of different HTML tags and elements to structure a webpage.
  •    The fundamentals of CSS for styling web pages.
  •    How to use CSS selectors, properties, and values.
  •    The concept of the CSS box model.
  •    Basics of JavaScript programming language.
  •    Fundamental concepts in JavaScript like variables, data types, arrays, loops, and functions.
  •    How to handle events in JavaScript.
  •    How to build a basic website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  •    Fundamentals of MongoDB, a NoSQL database.
  •    How to perform CRUD operations in MongoDB.
  •    Basics of Nodejs and its event-driven architecture.
  •    Fundamentals of Expressjs, a popular framework for Nodejs.
  •    How to create a basic server using Node and Express
  •    Understanding and using routes in Expressjs
  •    How to connect MongoDB with Nodejs using Mongoose.
  •    Real-time communication using Socket.o.
  •    Build a real-time chat application using Nodejs, Expressjs, Socketio, and MongoDB.
  •    How to deploy a full-stack web application.

Become a Web Developer - Full Course (Part 1/3)

Become a Web Developer - Full Course (Part 2/3)

Become a Web Developer - Full Course (Part 3/3)

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Become a Web Developer from Scratch - The Complete Course
1.45 GEEK