Java is has been one of the most popular programming languages for decades. The number of specialists who want to become proficient in Java is rapidly growing. Because the competition is fierce, it’s no longer enough to just be a good Java developer — you need to acquire deep knowledge and get familiar with many concepts to be ahead of the competition.

If you’re the one who’s stuck asking yourself “What should I learn to stand out as a Java developer?”, this blog post can help you figure things out.

1. Get a Solid Base and Clear Idea of OOP Principles

2. Read Books That Cover Those Principles

3. Get Familiar with the Spring Framework

4. Learn the Most Essential APIs and Libraries

5. Get Deep Knowledge of Java 11

6. Focus on JVM and its Internals

7. Have Multiple Methodologies at Hand

8. Get Used to Automated Testing

9. Polish Up Your Coding Skills

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10 Ways Stand Out as a Java Developer and Land that Dream Job
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