If you are a frontend developer, you would have used the Node Package Manager (NPM) in your applications. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment, NodeJs. NPM has been among us for so long, and there is a massive community around it that uses it daily.

However, did you ever think that NPM and it’s functionality will be replaced soon? Will there be an era where a frontend developer does not know of NPM and use a different method for managing packages and dependencies in an application?

These questions did not surface until the introduction of Deno.

The goal of this article is to explore the following.

  1. What is Deno?
  2. A comparison between Node.js and Deno
  3. Will Deno replace Node.js and kill NPM?

#deno #javascript #npm #node

Will Deno Kill NPM?
5.00 GEEK