dot NET

Fritz brings another episode to talk about getting started with Blazor and in this episode, we’re talking about building components for Blazor applications and how you can re-use components across applications. As a special treat, Fritz is using a machine running Kubuntu Linux with Visual Studio Code to show how .NET and Blazor code can be built with Windows, Mac, or Linux.


  • 00:17:41 - Is this server-side or Web Assembly?
  • 00:23:18 - C# and HTML, is this ASP?
  • 00:23:58 - Why should anyone use Windows for web development when LAMP has been around for so long?
  • 00:35:33 - Are there some CMSes built with Blazor?
  • 00:48:42 - Is the .NET Compiler directly assembling the Web Assembly file?
  • 00:53:13 - Can use a terminal to create a Blazor Project with Web Assembly?
  • 00:58:25 - Is it possible to build a browser extension with Web Assembly?
  • 01:08:27 - How long does it take to download and load the .NET runtime in the browser?
  • 01:12:10 - Can you mix ASP.NET MVC with Blazor?
  • 01:26:19 - Do you have any tips for dependency injection with Blazor?

#csharp #blazor

C# with CSharpFritz S3 E2 - Beginning Blazor and Components
1.90 GEEK