“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

You might have heard this phrase somewhere. Pictures create a striking impact on our brains to understand things. It is because vision is one of the most essential senses, which helps us learn new things faster.

This is why “mind mapping” is booming!

It is constantly making leaps from personal diaries to the educational and business arena.

But what’s mind mapping?

How can it help you?

What’s the reason behind its popularity?

Stay tuned to understand everything about it!

What is a Mind Map?


A mind map refers to a diagram or graphical representation of an idea. And the process of representation can be called “Mind Mapping”.

It is an effective yet easy way to brainstorm your thoughts naturally where you do not have to worry about any structure and order. The idea behind creating a mind map is to visually structure thoughts that can help you recall and analyze them in a broader way.

#design #smart things #visual studio code

Visualize Your Idea with these Mind Map Makers - Geekflare
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