One of the biggest ongoing conversations that I see when talking about modern microservice architectures is people asking “Should I be running that on containers or serverless?”. Well, that’s not entirely true. In fact, it is usually more of a vehemently opinionated response about why I should be using one or the other. My favorite example of this ongoing conversation is probably Trek10’s Serverless vs. Containers Rap Battle:

The somewhat surprising conclusion (considering the format of the discussion) is that both approaches are perfectly suited to different use cases.

How Kubernetes and Serverless Make Each Other Better

We can take this a slight step further and say that both architectural patterns provide us insight on the limitations and potential improvements of the other.

Kubernetes has a reputation for operational complexity that Serverless infrastructure like AWS Lambda aim to eliminate entirely. The broader community around Kubernetes is constantly innovating to create tools like Knative that address these concerns and simplify the experience for developers and operators.

#framework #serverless #deploying

Deploying Your First Knative Service with the Serverless Framework
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