Strings in C language are an array of characters ended with null characters (‘\0’). The null character at the end of a string indicates its end and the strings are always enclosed by double-quotes. In C language characters are enclosed by single quotes. Some examples of both of them shown below;

Example or Representation of C Characters and Strings

  • char string[10] = { ‘s’,’d’,’f’,’d’,’t’,’j’,’a’,’\0’ };
  • char string[10]=” fresher”;
  • char string[]=” fresher”;

There is a minor difference between the declarations of the strings in both of the above statements. Like when we declare char as string[10], 10 bytes of memory space gets allocated to hold the 10 values of string, while when we declare it like string[] then memory gets allocated at the time of execution of the program.

#c functions #c++ #string function #c

Popular String Fuctions in C [With Examples]
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