In the previous articles of this series, I’ve demonstrated a method of integrating Django templates and Vue in such a way that preserves the strengths of both frontend frameworks.

Since those articles were published, Vue3 has been released, bringing a variety of improvements and a list of breaking changes. With these numerous changes, the code examples from the prior articles in this series no longer work directly with Vue3. But happily, with only a few isolated changes, the same general approach works well with Vue3 and, moreover, the code becomes, in my opinion, simpler. In fact, we need not alter our components, our Vuex stores, or even our vue.config.js to work with Vue3. Rather, the required changes are limited to the app initialization logic.

Instead of rehashing the ideas and approach described in prior articles of this series, this article will instead enumerate the changes needed to adapt the Vue2 solution to Vue3. At the same time, I’ll introduce a couple of additional changes that, while not strictly necessary for Vue3, improve the overall quality of the Vue + Django integration.

If you’re just starting with Vue + Django, I suggest reading from the start of these articles to learn more about the general approach utilized in this article. Or, to start hacking immediately, check out the sample application source code.

Overview of changes

In Vue2, app initialization was generally done with new Vue() constructor. However, this approach was eliminated in Vue3, so instead we will adapt the code to use the new createApp() method. Similarly, we no longer can instantiate the Vuex store with new but will instead use createStore().

Both these changes are straightforward adaptations based on the Vue migration guide.

However, our usage with Django necessitates a couple additional changes. First, we must provide for passing of properties from Django template, as our previous approach, which relied on new Vue(), no longer works. Second, as we may potentially be adding several Vue apps to a single page, it behooves us to extract our app/store creation logic into a callable function.

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Django + Vue3 — The Best of Both Frontends
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