Laravel 8 summernote integration tutorial example. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and use summernote in laravel 8 app.

When you work with laravel 8 app and want to build product creation page, Post creation page and any other page. At that time, need to any text editor, where you can insert html and other text. And can save it into database table.

So, this laravel 8 summernote editor integration example guides you step by step on how to use summernote wysiwyg editor in laravel 8 apps.

How to Install and Use Summernote in Laravel 8 App

  • Step 1: Install Laravel 8 App
  • Step 2: Connecting App to Database
  • Step 3: Create Migration and Model File
  • Step 4: Add Routes
  • Step 5: Create Controller
  • Step 6: Create Blade File
  • Step 7: Run Development Server
  • Step 8: Test App

Step 1: Install Laravel 8 App

In this step, open a terminal and execute the following command to install or download laravel 8 app for implementing summernote editor:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Step 2: Connecting App to Database

In this step, Navigate to your project root directory and open the “.env” file. Then add database details into .evn file, as follow:


Step 3: Create Migration and Model File

In this step,** create a migration for post table and post Model** in laravel app. So run the following command on command prompt:

cd blog

php artisan make:model Post -m

Next, Navigate to database/migrations and open create_posts_table.php. Then update the following code into create_posts_table.php file, as follow:

**public** **function** up()


Schema::create(``'posts'``, **function** (Blueprint $table``) {








Laravel 8 Integrate Summernote Tutorial Example
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